Gravity Conveyors
Skate Wheel Conveyor and Gravity Driven Roller
Gravity Conveyors are ideal for applications that require an economical, non-powered means for conveying material. The three most common gravity conveyors are skate wheel conveyor, roller conveyor and flex conveyor.
Skate wheel conveyor is used to move lightweight packages. Primarily skate wheel conveyor is used in shipping departments, stocking areas, and assembly lines. It is called a skate wheel conveyor because the conveyor rollers look like roller skate wheels.
Roller conveyor is used to move packages on permanent or temporary lines in warehousing activities, distribution centers and assembly areas. Roller conveyor is the most popular type of conveyor today and has become a standard in the material handling industry.
Flex conveyor is a conveyor that was designed for versatility. This conveyor type is flexible along it's length and can be manually extended and retracted upon itself. Flexible conveyor is mostly used for loading and unloading trailers. This style of conveyor is suited to any product with a flat base such as a carton, drum or plastic tote bins.