Mobile Aisle Shelving
Mobile Aisle Shelving

Mobile Aisle Shelving

Mobile Aisle Carriage and Storage Shelving Systems

Mobile Aisle Shelving Systems from American Warehouse Systems can provide additional storage space within a small footprint by utilizing a moving aisle shelving configuration.

With the push of a button or turn of a handle, an aisle can be created when and where needed.  Smart technology and user-friendly controls provide safe, reliable saver performance. 

Warehouse Shelving

These state-of-the-art warehouse shelving systems are available in electric, mechanical assist or manual models that reduce and reclaim space by eliminating all but the aisles in use.  When you consider the alternatives, Warehouse shelving systems are a remarkably economical way to save space, increase capacity, improve productivity and increase asset security.  Contact us today to discuss your mobile aisle space saving options 1-877-677-9066.

Mechanical Assist Mobile Aisle Shelving

Our Mechanical Assist Shelving System incorporates a direct chain drive system transferring the force from the 3-spoke handle directly to the drive shaft, which in turn drives every wheel on one side of each movable shelving carriage.  A visual safety saver knob is located above the handle and is used to lock the carriages on either side of the open aisle.

Mobile Aisle Shelving Features

Our ergonomic handles are free-turning ball handles which provide maximum functionality, and reduce carpal-tunnel problems for users.  The double gear reduction feature allows movement of a 6,000 pound payload with as little as one pound of effort on the saver crank handle.
All wheels on one side of each movable carriage are interconnected by solid steel space shafts.  All axle (wheel) to shaft connections use a high torque steel coupler with four nylock set screws and 1/4" keyways fitted with keys.

Power Assist Mobile Aisle Shelving

Our power assist mobile aisle system features solid-state electronics for fast installation, improved reliability and enhanced safety.  We provide fewer moving parts thus creating increased system reliability and enhanced productivity.

Smart technology provides advanced functionality for improved performance and a closer relationship between the operator and the system.  Maximum flexibility in programming allows users to easily customize mobile aisle shelving for desired security and safety.

For more information on any of our mobile aisle shelving systems, please contact us at 1-877-677-9066 or