Picking Module Systems
High Density Pick Modules
High Density Multilevel Pick Modules and Material Handling Picking Systems
Picking Systems come in many forms, from a simple single floor manual pick system to multilevel automated pick modules. They can encompass many material handling products integrated into one system. At American Warehouse Systems we understand the purpose of any picking system is to consolidate space and create a more efficient distribution center. In most cases the pick module is utilized as the workhorse of the picking system family while other products such as the AS/RS and carousels and lift modules are often integrated in distribution.
GSA Conveyors & Engineered Systems for Pick Modules
Pick Modules are engineered systems that
integrate pallet rack, gsa conveyor, carton flow, mezzanines and various other products to create multi-level product storage and picking platforms that move
product efficiently through a distribution facility.
Palletized loads are moved by gravity through the mezzanine and racking
system before being broken into cartons and pieces, then sent
to pick areas and finally shipped to the consumer. GSA
Conveyor and sortation systems guide the flow of product through
the order fulfillment. When product is picked, it may be picked
to carts, totes, conveyor, pallet jacks or other equipment
for movement from the pick module to a packing or shipping area. We
have worked with pick module systems designed for bar
coded scanning, paper pick lists, pick to light, pick to voice and
pick to display.
Although there is no such thing as a standard picking system, most share common features. All picking systems consolidate warehouse space and create more efficient through put by integrating multiple material handling systems. In a pallet or carton picking operation costly square footage can be reduced by up to 50%. This space savings could mean accommodation in a now tight facility or facility redesign allowing additional space to be utilized for other missions. Labor is better utilized by concentrating storage and picking operations and reducing or eliminating the need to walk and pick. Because of concentrated picking operations product replenishment is made easy.
Whatever the need, American Warehouse Systems has the resources to complete the system. We have built our reputation on the “One Project, One Vendor” philosophy, leaving little outside our scope of work.