Eagle Lock selective teardrop rack, uprights and beams
Selective Pallet Rack Systems

Selective Pallet Rack Systems

Selective Pallet Rack Systems come in mainly two types of rack -
Teardrop Style Rack and Structural Rack.
Teardrop Style Pallet Rack Systems are easy to install, cost effective and most convenient for the ability to easily adjust beam height.
Structural Rack Systems are primarily used for high bay applications and have a greater weight bearing load capacity.

Teardrop Style Pallet Rack

Teardrop Style Pallet Rack is the simplest form of pallet storage and the lowest cost per pallet position.

The beams on teardrop style pallet rack can be easlily adjusted to accomodate various pallet sizes which makes the teardrop style rack the most convenient for warehouse applications that require a wide array of pallet load sizes.

Our exclusive brand, Eagle Lock Selective Pallet Rack, utilizes a closed tube construction resulting in a 20% stronger upright frame. Our extra strength translates to a considerable reduction in pallet rack repair and thus lower operating costs. In large storage aid facilities and defense distribution depots this savings can be tremendous.

The Eagle Lock Teardrop Pallet Rack System is not only very cost effective but they are also easy to install and are interchangeable with most teardrop pallet rack systems in use today. We can design and manufacture Eagle Lock Teardrop Style Pallet Rack for all seismic zones worldwide.

Contact us today to receive a quick Teardrop Style Pallet Rack Quote.

Structural Pallet Rack

Structural pallet rack systems are similar to teardrop style pallet rack systems. The difference is the beams are attached to the uprights with bolts which provide a greater weight-bearing capacity.

Structural pallet racks are generally used in high bay storage systems (applications where the ceiling is 20 feet or higher), rack supported mezzanines or rack supported buildings.

Structural racking integrated into high capacity pick modules or automated storage and retrieval systems are capable of greatly increased loading capacities. The structural pallet rack is stronger and much heavier than it's roll formed counterpart thus virtually eliminating damage from forklifts.

Fill out our quick Structural Rack Quote for your convenience.