AW Systems » Storage & Handling » Pallet Racks » RFQ By Pallet Dimension

Rack RFQ by Pallet Dimension

Please fill out the following form to start your free Storage Rack quote.

Company Information:
Address 1
Address 2
Zip/Postal Code
Phone Number
Fax Number
Storage Pallet Dimensions:
Size (W x D x H):
Max Weight per Pallet:
Max Number of Pallets Stored Per Shelf:
Pallet Rack Type:
Please indicate any preference toward a type of pallet rack storage system. Check all that apply.

Selective Rack
Pallet Flow Rack
Push Back Rack
Drive-In Rack (LIFO)
Drive-Thru Rack (FIFO)
Basic Area Dimensions:
Floor to Ceiling Height:
Allocated Area
Width x Length:
Pallet Rack Decking:
Please indicate any preference toward a type of pallet rack decking.

Wire Deck
Pallet Support
Pallet Rack Accessories:
Please list any accessories or special items you would like quoted with your project.

Other Information:
Any other comments or questions regarding your project?

If you have a CAD drawing (AutoCAD or TurboCAD), please e-mail it to
If you prefer you can fax us a drawing at 763-315-9222.

We will process your information and return a firm price quote to you as soon as possible.

Need a more generic form? Try our Pallet Rack RFQ - Quick Quote:
Industrial Racking Basic RFQ

We do realize that your racking system might be much more complicated than can be conveyed in a form.  If this is the case, please contact us directly;
1-877-677-9066 or

All information given is strictly confidential.  Please see our privacy policy.